Original Audubon Imperial Folio Edition Lithographs of the Quarupeds of North America
Sale: 20% to 50% off!
After successfully publishing his masterpiece "The Birds of America", with the encouragement and collaboration of his good friend, Rev. John Bachman of Charleston, SC, Audubon and Bachman published the "The Viviparous Quadrupeds of North America" in three volumes during 1845 to 1848 (viviparous means giving birth to live young). The original watercolor paintings of the quadrupeds by Audubon (together with his younger son John Woodhouse who painted some of the quadruped images and his elder son Victor Gifford who drew the backgrounds) were issued as stone lithographs in the Imperial Folio size (~28" x 22"). They employed the eminent lithographer, J.T. Bowen of Philadelphia. In this gallery, we present some of these original hand-colored Imperial Folio edition stone lithograph prints.
Please click and enter the page to examine the posted images for each quadruped by moving the mouse cursor over them to see enlarged images. NOTE: The images on the actual prints are much prettier and brighter than what is seen in the images posted here since these very large lithographs are hard to photograph with uniform natural indirect light illumination.
If interested in purchasing an Imperial Folio Edition print(s), please contact us for details.
Audubon's Imperial Folio Edition Lithographs of the Quadrupeds (19th Century)
3-Townsend's Rocky Mountain Hare
6 - American Cross Fox
8 - Chipping Squirrel
11 - Northern Hare, Summer
12 - Northern Hare, Winter
43 - Hare Squirrel
47 - American Badger
50 - Richardson's Spermophile
53 - Texan Skunk
61 - Raccoon
64 - Little American Brown Weasel
76 - Moose Deer
86 - Ocelot or Leopard-Cat
91 - Polar Bear
97 - The Cougar, Female & Young
101 - The Jaguar
106 - Columbian Blacktailed Deer
111 - Musk Ox
112 - Californian Hare
123- The Sewellel
127 - Cinnamon Bear
138 - Pine Marten
141 - American Black Bear (SOLD)
147- American Souslik